Saturday, January 08, 2005

Who Us?

When I see the church today
I often wonder how it got this way?
Am I alone in thinking this,
Or just polishin' brass on a sinking ship?
Why oh why am I in despair
When churches are growing everywhere?

Just one reason simply put,
We should be covered in ash and soot.
Repentance, friend, is our only cure
For this putrid wound of lust and lure.
We went a whoring after things unclean
While acting like the libertine.

We are in a kind of buck and lurch,
The church is worldly, and the world’s the church.
We’ve lost our bearings and our first love,
Thinking that things will change only above.
The church got tired taking the lead
And handed the keys to babies on speed.

Where are the brakes on this darn thing?
Stop with that! Just clap and sing!
Make merry my brother and don’t ask that,
Go on a Jesus diet if you feel fat.
‘The only way to life’, says he
is doing things spiritually.

You are rejected, Christ will say
If you think that this is the way.
Christ has come to fully subdue
Each and every avenue.
He wants your each and every bone;
And don’t fret you are not alone.

He has a bride dressed wonderfully
Made up of people like you and me.
The earth is his and the fullness thereof
So take your cues from God above.
He wrote His words down on tablets two,
For us to follow and fully do.

His Son he sent to bleed for her,
His Spirit he gives to be a leader.
My friend you see we are so far
From God and his righteous bar.
Look to the Son lest ye die,
Or perish; because God can not lie.

Depart from me you evildoers,
Is a tune for all that have ears.
If you think you’re bulletproof,
Cut you’ll be in one fell swoop.
Pride goeth before a fall
Is not empty rhetoric at all.

If you’re cut off its because of sin
So don't react and then blame Him.
He didn’t sin or make you haughty,
You alone are the one who’s naughty.
Cover yourself with soot and ashes,
Be crushed by Christ till all of you smashes!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

You should compose melodies for these poems so that we can all belt them out around the campfire. I'll ineptly strum my new guitar for accompaniment.