Friday, January 21, 2005

Stately Trees

Every state has a state tree. Which tree is not native to the state which claims it as a state tree? Hint: In this same state, beavers are also not native. That should give it away. If you need more help, look here. Or maybe here.

If you're very observant, you'll notice New York isn't even original enough to gets it's own state tree. Oddly enough, it also shares the beaver as a state symbol with Oregon.


Rebecca said...

Thanks for the answer Mattie. I couldn't have done it with out you, I am guessing. Good thing I've got ya! :-) ILU

Rebecca said...

See? People do comment on your blog! :-)

Scott M Terry said...

I thought the sugar maple was our state tree. Might be wrong.

Matt said...

The sugar maple is also Vermont's state tree. I think they deserve it more than NY. But I guess there's only so many trees to go around.

trawlerman said...

at least your wife takes pity on you and comments on your blog.

i'm so lame that i have to write my own comments to my own posts.

Abigail said...

yeah. only because she delivers her gracious comments in person, you stinker. (even though she knows you prefer the purity of an electronic relationship untainted by material stuffs.)

Rebecca said...

One contigency was not to "talk" to my hubby through the computer. Like you, Abby, I tell Matt what I think about his posts. But-I figured, if it encouraged him to read something too...I guess I am game. Once or twice. When the need is great. :-)

Abigail said...

i take your example of sacrificing ideals for the sake of a husband's well-being to heart. (and if john ever shows signs of despondant blogging, i may even post a comment!)

Abigail said...

did anyone else have to memorize state trees, beverages, animals, and yes, even state FOSSILS, when they were in HIGH school? was i the only one educated in not-completely-practical minutiae?

Matt said...

I don't remember anything about state beverages, but that's a novel idea. I'm sure YOU would pick that most coveted raspberry drink (I'd spell it but methinks it's one of those words which are only meant to be spoken).

I remember having to remember state capitals and flowers; beyond that is well...beyond me. Well I'm already tired of playing my lil quiz show so I'll give you the answer abby. I'm trusting you not to tell a soul. It's Hawaii.

Abigail said...


but my all-time favorite beverage, displacing even framboise, root beer, birch beer, and sarsaparilla, is milk--the nectar of the gods and, incidentally, new york state's official state beverage, as well.

(and, because you all NEED to know this as much as i needed to know it when i learned it in high school, the state tree is indeed the sugar maple, the state muffin is the apple muffin, and the state fossil is the eurypterus something-or-other.)

Abigail said...





Matt said...

You know you're ruining my quiz show. I was having so much participation until you gave out the secret answer Remember, we agreed over the internet not to tell a soul. This internet thing is so...public. crazy.

I always knew you idolized milk. That's where we differ Abby. Milk assists me in having strong bones and healthy teeth to do the Lord's work.