Friday, January 07, 2005

explore what!?

Ya, like my dad uses Explorer 'n stuff. Really cool people use FireFox. You won't be disappointed.


trawlerman said...

i've tried firefox. besides being free, it's not that impressive. i'd rather explore, with the rest of my corporate buddies

Matt said...

I switched to firefox for two reasons.

a) It allows one to open several 'tabs' in one program. Hit 'ctrl t' while in an active window and you'll see what I mean.

2) It blocks all pop-ups and notifies you when a webpage wants to download a bad cookie, ie cherry centered.

I can't really verify this scientifically, but my PC runs faster with firefox. I also downloaded spybot at the same time so it's really hard to say. Although I do know that I had 15 bad cookies because of explorer.