Monday, March 07, 2005

Jeeks and Grews

While listening to D.Wilson’s talk on Hellenization, he brought up a good question. Why was the New Testament written in Greek? Well, for the simple reason that God wanted his people to wrestle with Gnosticism. Essentially if Gnosticism is in the church, it’s because God wanted it there. We are the better for it and a sort of tertium quid develops. A people who aren’t really Hebraic or Grecian.
That last sentence is what struck me. With the call to return to a Hebraic society on the lips of most reformed, especially credenda folk, I was really taken back when he mentioned that.
Although returning coldly (or otherwise) to a hebraic form of society isn’t the answer either. You could say, “look how they turned out”. As a maturing church, I conclude, God want’s us to develop a better way to live. OT Hebrew society wasn’t the epitome of culture. It can’t be.

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