Tuesday, May 03, 2005


I've got to hand it to Mr. Pedlar, he got me laughing good. I'm a little despacio from time to time, but this is worth the investigation. When you figure it out, let me know. Visit his website and the rest is up to you.

Ah, simple pleasures.


Todd said...

Hi Matt -

Thanks for the pointer :) I feel a tad bit odd, though, what with the banner I made for my blog - a silly phrase like Semper Ubi Sub Ubi running across the likes of Farel, Knox, Beza and Calvin... ah well. :)


Abigail said...


Thank goodness that
#1. This blog's crowd doesn't publicly wear underwear as outerwear
#2. We don't live in Virginia, where the problem is alarming enough for lawmakers to crack down on underwear (under where?)

Goodness! The courseness of this entire thread is enough to make sailors blush.

Abigail said...

of course, i meant coarseness...

Matt said...

You win the prize Abby! Just guess what it is.
I loved Reid's quote. Those politicians are so savy. I wonder if lawmakers will, as you say, 'crack down' on plumbers too?

Matt said...
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Abigail said...

I'm hopeful that the prize is a full-body, all-weather parka. I need never fear arrest with one of those.

(And I hadn't even noticed the punny nature of "crack down" until I read your response. Purely naive, that's me.)