Sunday, April 06, 2008


"The irony of Protestant history is that although the sixteenth-century Reformers fought like tigers to restore the wine to the people, their descendants have now deprived the people of both bread and wine. the Protestant celebration, when it is on rare occasions held has been spiritualized to the extent that it could scarcely be recognized as a meal at all. The purely symbolic wafer of the Roman celebration, which John Knox thundered against as a distortion of Christ's "common bread," has, in most Protestant churches, been replaced by minute, carefully diced pieces of bread unlike any other bread ever eaten by any culture. The common cup which the medieval Church withheld from the faithful is, except among Anglicans, still the sole possession of the clergy. the unordained are now given thimble-like glasses filled with Welch's grape juice. the symbolism is quite clear. We all come before God individually; with our individual bits of bread and our individual cups of juice, we are not of one loaf and one chalice. Our relationship to Christ is private and personal. What may be even more significant is that by partaking of this unearthly meal with our unbreadly bread and our unwinely wine, we are making a clear statement that the bread and wine of spiritual communion has no connection with earthly communion."

Against the Protestant Gnostics, Philip J. Lee

1 comment:

Els said...

Here in England, we are still waiting for wine to come in the little cups, we do however have a real bread from which everyone breaks a chunk!
In Holland we had sweet Spanish wine and neat white bread cubes (and cheese fondue for dinner at the time when we were caretakers...)
Greetings, Els