Thursday, September 29, 2005



Those who are weak,

To climates unknown did courageously steer
Through oceans to deserts, for freedom they came
And dying, bequeathed us their freedom and fame
Heart of oak are our ships. Heart of oak are our men.

My fellow Brothers who choose to send their seed to be instructed by heathens,

From these truths it would appear that the soul cannot be successfully cultivated by patches. We cannot have the intellectual workman polish it at one place, and the spiritual workman at another. A succession of objects may be presented to the soul, to evoke and discipline its several powers; yet the unity of the being would seem to necessitate a unity in its successful education.
- R.L. Dabney

My fellow Brothers who allow their daughters to leave the house naked,

A fair text deserves a fair margin.
-Thomas Watson

Mr. Starch,

In short, pietism leads directly and inexorably to impiety. But we have to take care; pietism should not be defined as having tight standards, but rather a problem of having inverted standards.
-Doug Wilson

Mr. Terry,

If a person can't tolerate wine, omit (the Sacrament) altogether in order that no innovation may be made or introduced.
-Martin Luther

Mr. Owen,

Life without industry is guilt, and industry without art is brutality.

Mr. John(son),

The goodness of God only remains, in all storms, the sure foundation to the afflicted, against which the devil is never able to prevail.
-John Knox

Mr. Marble,

E pluribus unum


Matt said...

Well, well if it's not my recovering charismatic friend. I stubled onto your page last week too.

Scott M Terry said...

Heres one for Mr. Newman.

"The Scotch-Irish are the most inflexible people in the world when they are right, and the most vexatiously pig-headed and mulish when wrong, on the face of the earth."

