Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Lewis on Rome

Lewis, when asked why he was not a Roman Catholic, said:

"By the time I had really explained my objection to certain doctrines which differentiate you from us, you would like me less."


Peter said...

I do wonder what good 'ol C.S. would say today.
Why he never became Catholic is a topic of endless speculation. It may seem pompous to others for Catholics even to pose such a question unless one remembers some of his closest friends and those who exerted the greatest influence on his conversion to Christianity were Catholic.

I actually have something related to worship and line-dancing. Actually its even worse. Today my wife told me of someone we both know personally who danced in a ***Conga line*** during "worship" at their church. It seems someone has already exercised that absurdity!

Peter said...

BTW, I'm glad your blogging.

trawlerman said...

you can read this review of Joseph Pearce's C.S. Lewis and the Catholic Church.

I have read and do own a copy of C.S. Lewis and the Church of Rome by a man named Christopher Derrick, also published by Ignatius. It's out print and almost impossible to find, but it's a great read. I don't know why Ignatius published Pearce instead of republishing Derrick, but I imagine that Pearce relies on Derrick and goes over a lot of the same territory. Pearce is also a big name right now, it seems.

Matt said...

I got this quote from an essay that D.Jones wrote for 'angels in the architecture'. I have an idea of backround of the quote, but not really. Thanks for links.

Scott M Terry said...

Hey, Speaking of "Angels in the Architecture"...why don't you give it back to me :)

Matt said...

Well, the way I see it possesion is nine tenths of the law. Also, after reading AIA, I think our brew should be called Medieval Bretheren Brewery. Sounds dumb, but it needs some getting used to.

Scott M Terry said...

Medieval Bretheren Brewery. Thats got a nice ring to it.

Abigail said...

not that the words of a teetotal wifie have much sway...

since i was raised with the Darbyite Brethren stamp and then went on to major in English, i suggest that the Bretheren be spelled Brethren instead.

oh, and the verb "brew" also means to scheme.

Matt said...

Nothin' like an english major to take all the fun out of blogging. btw, bretheren is the middle english way of spelling brethren. If you believe that, I'll tell another one. This now gives me the opportunity of exposing a major flaw on your blog. Ever heard of dyslexia?